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Aza_D Neem Oil

Neem Oil Extract Bio-Pesticide. Neem Derived broad-spectrum pesticide containing Azadirachtin and other active neem elements (Limonoids)

228.00 325.00

Aza_D Neem Oil is Neem derived broad spectrum pesticide containing Azadirechtin and other active neem elements (Limonoids). It acts as repellent & antifeedant disrupting at different stages in the life cycle of more than 400 species of insects. Aza_D is excellent non-toxic crop protection chemical for open field cultivation, horticulture, floriculture, plantations & vegetable crops. lts multiple mode of action is ideal for ‘integrated pest management’. Use of Aza_D at primary stage of crop, results in tremendous improvement in quality & quantity of produce.


Neem Kernel extract in solvent Methanol (containing 0.03% Azadirechtin) 60.00w/w
Emulsifier 5.00 w/w
Treated Neem oil 35.00 w/w


Dissolve 250 mL Aza_D Neem Oil in 50 litres of water and spray twice in a month. Aza_D is compatible with other chemical pesticides, if required to control severe pest damage.


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